34 Things I'm Taking To Uni

Thursday, July 14, 2016

And hello once again,

Like I said in my last post, planning's what I need so planning is what I will bloody well do! No, I'm not leaving for another 2 ish months but that will soon come round so I thought I had better begin my preparations (and planning makes it seem less scary!). So here it is:

I'd first like to point out obviously I haven't been to university yet so I am using this list as a personal checklist, which many people across the internet have recommended I take. If you have any suggestions then please feel free to comment them and I think in about 6 or so months I will revisit this list and tell you what has come in useful out of the items I chose!

I think I'll split my list up into sections, for example: Bed, Room, Bathroom and Miscellaneous. Again I am new to this so if some items are a little bit of an overkill, just let me know and save the cluttered room for me and anyone who might use my list in the future. Anyway that's enough babbling! 

My Bed:

I've read that my bed is going to be one of my favourite places (like normal then ;) ) so remembering these key things will make my snuggle nest a little more comfortable.

☐ Duvet and pillows
☐ Bedding sets- x2 minimum, one to use while the others in the wash)
☐ Extra pillow cases- Swap them out more often than changing your bed to save your face from spots!
☐ Mattress protector
☐ Throw blanket- Or a couple, blankets are useful and snuggly when it gets chillier.
☐ Under bed storage

My Room:

Moving to Uni means a brand new bedroom and this is daunting for someone like me who shares a bedroom with a sibling. Obviously it's not going to be huge but there is going to be space to make it homely and into YOUR room.

☐ Coat hangers- If you're lucky there might be some there but better to have and not need.
☐ Door stop- It seems like an unspoken law that on moving in day you MUST prop your door open to say hi to everyone scurrying around. I'm not sure how accurate that is nut doorstops are always handy.
☐ Small bin
☐ Full length mirror- I couldn't live without mine!
☐ Lamp- Bedside lamp, desk lamp, both! It seems a key thing to bring so I hope my lava lamp will suffice.
☐ Desk supplies- Obviously when going away to study, bring study equipment and in my case, art equipment.
☐ Washing basket
☐ Clothes- Obviously..

My Bathroom:

I am lucky enough to be able to have my own bathroom but that does mean I will have to remember literally everything it requires..

☐ Towels- Big one, medium one, small one and a flannel.
☐ Dressing gown
☐ Bathroom accessories-  Like a soap dish and somewhere to put your toothbrush, as well as a loo brush and a bin. oh, and hand soap!
☐ Cleaning products- Bleaches and sprays and wipes, oh my!
☐ Toiletries- Shower products like soap, shampoo and conditioner, face wash, moisturiser, toothpaste, toothbrush, razors, baby powder, hair products, make up, deodorant, perfume, you know what I mean..
☐ First aid kit- With plasters, blister patches, general first aid equipment really.
☐ Medicine box- Paracetamol, cold and flu stuff just in case of the freshers flu.., throat sweets, antiseptic cream, ibuprofen..


This list might be a little longer.. But there is always something I'm going to think 'Damn I really could use that right now!' so hopefully this part will reduce the number of damns. This might be a little excessive but if I can fit it all in a box under my bed I'm sure ill be fine right?

☐ Scissors- You'll need them constantly if you don't have any.
☐ Air freshener
☐ Pack of cards
☐ Hand sanitizer- New people packed closely together is going to spread some germs especially when term starts in the autumn.
☐ Flash drive and/or external hard drive
☐ Blu tac- If you're allowed to stick things to the walls obviously.
☐ Umbrella
☐ Weekend bag
☐ Toiletry bag
☐ Photos from home- I know for  fact I'm going to get a little home sick so this is a sweet thing to have around me.
☐ Extension lead
☐ Hot water bottle
☐ Extra phone charger

I know this isn't an extensive list but I feel it is a good starting point and hope someone else finds this slightly helpful in their adventures. Wow, writing this is making me a little nervous about the whole moving out thing, think I need a hot chocolate! I'll be keeping every Uni advancement up to date and I cant wait to write some more about it because I'm so excited!

Bye bye for now x

Photos sourced on Pixabay.com, edited by myself.

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  1. The first aid kit is so important! I feel like a lot of people would forget that. Great list!

    1. Thank you very much. As someone aa clumbsy as me is a must have and I know its not the first thing anyone thinks of!


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