Autumns come.. And gone!

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Long time no see! Before I get to apologising I have to say I've been so busy I can't even think nevermind blog! It has been weeks since I've properly caught up with you guys but it is totally mental right now, I've just got to establish a good schedule. wow I really don't know where to start, but I will document some of the things I've been doing in the past few weeks like Uni work and a visit I went on (If that's what you'd be interested in seeing obviously!)

I guess a decent place to start off would be the changing seasons and how it has suddenly gone from t-shirt weather to fluffy jumper and hot chocolate weather. I do love the autumn with the colours and the unavoidable approach of Christmas, but I am going to miss the warmth of summer and the careless feeling it carries.

The clocks have gone back and the evenings are getting darker, so much as to be getting dark before I get out of the college building. Even the nights are clear and bitter, making a walk down town or the pub just that bit uncomfortable. I've had to go out and purchase a scarf and gloves just to be able to participate in any evening walks or activities which really is the turning point of the seasons.

I've managed to snap a few shots before all the laves disappear until next year.

So with foggy breath I'll bid goodbye for now but an currently writing a few new posts so won't be long before the next encounter, I promise you.

See you soon!

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  1. Hey,
    Wonderful pictures. Oh yes, a few weeks ago the sun was shining and we had 20 degrees in Germany, now the temperature is around two degrees and yesterday it snowed!!


    1. Thank you! I know what you mean, England is the same, one minute lovely the next you can see your breath 😁

  2. Follow you on Instagram! Love your drawings and art pictures, so cool that you good at photography too. Something I wish I could pick up..
    Till next time


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